How to set up GoDaddy MX records in Linode DNS Manager

Linode Staff
How do I set up GoDaddy MX records in Linode DNS Manager?

3 Replies

If you are using Linode to manage your DNS, then you’ll need to add new records through our DNS manager. Below is a link to our documentation on using the Linode DNS manager.

GoDaddy offers a few different email hosting solutions (Office 365, Workspace email, email forwarding) so you’ll need to be sure which one you have before you can enter the right records in the Linode DNS Manager. I would first contact GoDaddy support and ask them to verify which email plan you have and to ask them for the DNS records. Once you have the correct DNS from them, you can enter the MX, CNAME, SRV, and TXT files directly into the Linode DNS Manager.

Once you’ve added the records to the Linode DNS Manager, you may need to wait up to 24 hours before the DNS propagates correctly. To check your the DNS of your domain you can run a dig command or use the following website.

Please also note that in order to use the Linode DNS Manager you'll need to have at least 1 active Linode on your account.

When configuring DNS records to work with GoDaddy's Office365 email, use the information GoDaddy provides. Here's some more information on how to configure their email service in Linode's DNS Manager:

The default TTL in the DNS manager is 86400 sec (24hr). Use 300 seconds while configuring records, then change them to something longer like 3600 seconds when they're properly set.

TXT Records:
Leave the name blank and enter the record as the Value.

CNAME Records:
Enter the provided information in the Hostname and Aliases To fields.

MX Records:
Keep the Subdomain field blank and set the target address as the Mail Server.

SRV Records:
Enter all information as specified.

You can look up your DNS records with dig. TXT and MX records can be found using the TXT and MX flags, but SRV and CNAME records should be queried directly.

dig +short txt
dig +short mx
dig +short cname
dig +short srv

@bleckemby Thanks, your solution helped.


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