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How-To: Troubleshoot Slowness and Connectivity Issues with Object Storage

Linode Staff

I'm experiencing significant slowness and connectivity issues with Object Storage, and it's negatively affecting my application's performance. How can I effectively troubleshoot these issues related to Object Storage?

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I understand that you're encountering significant slowness and connectivity issues with your Object Storage bucket(s), affecting your application's overall performance. Let's systematically troubleshoot and address these challenges to hopefully resolve your situation. Starting from the top, follow these troubleshooting steps:

Step 1: Status Page Check

Begin by checking for any ongoing incidents or scheduled maintenance that might be impacting Object Storage performance on the Linode Status Page.

Step 2: Access Controls Configuration

Ensure the permissions and access controls for your Object Storage bucket(s) are in proper order. Review and fine-tune permissions using Linode's dashboard or relevant S3 configuration tools.

Step 3: Limits and Considerations Review

Review the Linode Object Storage limits and considerations documentation, which includes information on rate limits and bucket/object size limits. Adjust any applicable configurations on your end accordingly or reach out to Linode Support if you require a limit increase.

Step 4: Networking Tests

Run thorough networking tests to pinpoint connectivity issues:

  • Utilize ping to assess bucket responsiveness.
  • Use tools like dig or curl to ensure your bucket's DNS is in working order.
  • Conduct a traceroute to map the packet route to your Object Storage bucket.
  • Run an mtr report to identify any intermediate network hops causing packet loss or latency. See Diagnosing Network Issues with MTR. Example mtr command:
sudo mtr -rwzbc100 example-bucket.us-mia-1.linodeobjects.com

Step 5: Take Informed Action

If after running through and implementing the advice in the above steps, the networking issues persist:

  • Seek assistance from Linode Support to resolve the problems you are facing. Note, when contacting Linode Support, be sure to provide any detailed outputs of any conducted tests for effective escalation and overall timely issue resolution.

Otherwise, if the underlying infrastructure has been deemed to be in good order, but the performance remains subpar:

  • Contemplate relocating your application to a region closer to end users.
  • Explore the advantages of leveraging a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to optimize content delivery.

I hope these systematic troubleshooting steps have assisted you in arriving at the issue sooner. Remember to document your findings at each step, and don't hesitate to reach out to the Linode Community or Linode Support if you encounter any hurdles during the troubleshooting process.


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