Problems mounting a volume connecting to my NAS

Dear community,

I have sftp access from my linode to my NAS on my home network, but even
following manual ( for Linode, I cannot mount it as a volume.

Errors are the following:

msteurs@212-71-xxx-xx:~$ sshfs -o allow_other -p xx Maarten@***** /home/msteurs/volume3
fusermount3: failed to access mountpoint /home/msteurs/volume3: Transport endpoint is not connected
msteurs@212-71-xxx-xx:~$ sudo sshfs -o allow_other -p xx Maarten@***** /home/msteurs/volume3
[sudo] password for msteurs:
sshfs: bad mount point `/home/msteurs/volume3': Transport endpoint is not connected
msteurs@212-71-xxx-xx:~$ sudo umount volume3
msteurs@212-71-xxx-xx:~$ sudo sshfs -o allow_other -p xx Maarten@***** /home/msteurs/volume3
mount: according to mtab, Maarten@***** is already mounted on /home/msteurs/volume3

Any hint what I am doing wrong? volume3 is not mounted, /etc/mtab is empty.

Thank you very much,

1 Reply

I went through the guide you shared and I wasn't able to recreate this exact situation. That said, I did get the error "Transport endpoint is not connected" in a few different scenarios, all of which were resolved by one of two actions.

First, I saw this when I didn't unmount the remote directory properly. I was able to fix this by forcing the unmount with this command, which I ran on the client server:

fusermount -uz sshfs-dir

I used the directory name sshfs-dir from the guide, so you can update the name as needed.

The other thing that fixed the issue was finding all running SSHFS processes and then killing them. To find the processes, I used ps -aux and got the PID (Process IDs) from the output.

ps -aux | grep sshfs
user   39149  0.0  0.0 229168   304 ?        Ssl  16:26   0:00 sshfs user@##.##.##.##:/home/user sshfs-dir

That provided process IDs in the second column and used that to kill the running processes.

sudo kill -9 39149

When I had not properly unmounted the directory first, it did not show up in /etc/mtab but it was showing errors that suggested it was still connected.

I wish I had more specific reasons for what's happening or guidance on how to solve it. I played around with this utility for a while and did my best to break it and get the same errors, but I was mostly able to mount the remote directories, including mounting an attached Block Storage Volume as a directory from one server to another.

If you'd like to share all the steps you took while setting this up or what you did differently from the guide, someone may have better luck pointing you in the right direction.


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